For the more advanced players, I would like to open some discussions about the play of hands. Here are a few hands that I would like your opinions and comments on:
You have melded Kh,Kc,Kd 2c,2h,2d. In your hand you have 4d, 5d, 5d, 5h,6d
You now have to discard. Early in the hand, what do you discard vs late in the hand what do you discard. The player in front of you is not in fives.
I am willing to bet, we have some different answers on this one!
One more hand:
On the table you have melded Ks,ks,kh,hd 2c,2h,2s,2,s
In your hand you have Ah,Ac,3c
Person in front of you is not in aces. Late in the hand what do you discard vs early in the hand what do you discard?
This is why this game is so addicting because each hand is different.
Until next time, you can play a little Panguingue at