There are certain terms you will hear at the pan table. Here are a few with their definitions.
SLUFFING - To throw a hand away and not play
MUCK - The discarded card pile
VALLE CARDS - 3'S, 5'S and 7's
COMOQUED - Two of the same number cards such as 7c,7c
SMOKED - Buying a card which you already have in your hand which does not allow you
to make a legal meld for example, 7c,7s in your hand and you buy the 7s. This is considered a "smoker"
PLUCK - Taking the top card off the deck
PEKKERED - When you do not get any of your pays down before another player goes out
BONG - 3's. 5's or 7's in spades melded worth four (4) chips
KONDITION - Size of the game and chip value
FLAT - Ten (10) cards melded on the table where the next card puts you out
PISSER - A hand which has no pays at all
ROPES - A sequence of cards in the same suit 3,4,5
SQUARES - Melds of number cards such as 3,3,3
TOPS - The ante each player puts up to receive a hand, always one chip
Until next time, you can play a little Panguingue at
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